what is brainspotting?

Iā€™m glad you asked!


Brainspotting is a therapeutic modality developed by David Grand, a former EMDR therapist. The inception of Brainspotting occurred during a therapy session with a figure skater struggling with her performance, particularly with executing a triple axel. Despite numerous attempts, she repeatedly fell. After a particularly hard fall, Grand and the skater's coach checked on her.

Grand, in an effort to assess her condition, slowly moved his finger in front of her eyes, similar to a concussion check. He observed that her pupils shook rapidly when his finger paused at a specific point. Maintaining his finger in that position, he noticed her eyes triggering an intense emotional release. To everyone's surprise, after this release, the skater successfully performed the triple axel. She repeated the move multiple times flawlessly, confirming the initial success was not a fluke.

Intrigued by this discovery, David Grand dedicated himself to studying the brain and understanding the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. This research led to the development of Brainspotting, now recognized as an effective modality for trauma processing.

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Sometimes, traditional talk therapy alone isn't enough. That's why I equip myself with a diverse array of effective therapeutic tools. My goal as a therapist is to help you address and resolve those persistent traumas, allowing you to live the life you desire. Schedule a 30-minute Zoom call to learn more about Brainspotting and how it can effectively aid in processing trauma. (Only available to Colorado residents and potential clients currently in Colorado.)